A gathering of Queer spiritual groups and individuals. A celebration of the passion, love and creative spirit of lgbtqi people. Queer Spirit festival is based on spiritual practice that connects with, respects and supports the earth.
The festival will include ceremonies, rituals, workshops, discussions, yoga, tantra, shamanism, healing-spaces, drumming, dancing and more with the idea that participants will be able to "dip their toes" into a wide range of different groups, workshops, activities and rituals. The programme will be worked out in advance with regard to balance and intensity.
Children are welcome but are the responsibility of their parent or guardian. There will be lots do to for people of all ages and abilities. There will be some specific adult-only areas at the festival.
We will have camping for up to 500 people with cabaret tent, community village, arts, music, magic, chill zone, cafe's (vegetarian & vegan), stalls, hot tub, sauna, and so much more!
Queer Spirit festival is a place to experience the way other groups work, and where groups, workshop leaders, and healers can give a taste of what they do and you can find out about their future events.
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