18th Annual Conference on Global Economic Analysis
"Information for the Policy Maker: Practical Economic Modelling for Tomorrow"
Melbourne Convention Centre
Melbourne, Australia
The conference is structured with the intent of maximizing discussion and the exchange of ideas among researchers. Most sessions involve the presentation of invited and/or contributed papers. On the basis of submitted abstracts, the Center for Global Trade Analysis selects papers eligible for presentation at the conference. Speakers will be asked to discuss the highlights and implications of their work with a dedicated amount of time also being devoted to questions and discussion. All presentations (plenaries excluded) are allotted 30 minutes, in which the first 20 is devoted to presentation and the remaining 10 to discussion.
We'd like to give you an overview of Greek Products.
Plenary Speakers
The following plenary sessions will open and the close the conference and feature distinguished intellectual leaders in their respective fields whose presentations are designed to introduce participants to new topics as well as provide fresh insights into familiar ones.
"New Developments in Modelling" - June 17, 9:30-11:00am
"Environment" - June 19, 4:00-5:30pm
Professor; Chairholder UNESCO Chair in Water Economics and Transboundary Water Governance, Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University
Professorial Research Fellow in Economics, The University of Melbourne
The following scholarship is available to those with a paper accepted into the conference program.
Purpose: To provide a sponsorship program to:
- support the participation of promising young researchers at the annual GTAP conference; and
- encourage their contribution to the use and further development of analytical software for CGE modelling, following in the tradition of Ken Pearson (the developer of the GEMPACK software).
Eligibility: To be eligible candidates must meet two basic criteria:
- An early career researcher within five years of the start of their research careers. This normally means that they have been awarded a PhD or equivalent research doctorate in the past five years.
- Active in undertaking applied model-based analyses of real world problems using GEMPACK and/or related software. Those individuals seeking to extend existing tools available to CGE modellers will be given special preference.